Newsletter #7 (September-December 2020)
In the last quarter of 2020, the "Gagauzia Dialogue" project summed up and set new priorities for 2021.
In the last quarter of 2020, the "Gagauzia Dialogue" project summed up and set new priorities for 2021.
During this summer "Gagauzia Dialogue" continued facilitation of the dialog process, having focused on organising several online capacity building events.
Even in challenging times, continuing the implementation of the activities, achieving the set results are the priorities of "Gagauzia Dialogue"
Gagauzia Dialogue project continues to work on its activities, and to reach important outcomes
"Gagauzia Dialogue" continues to discuss the parliamentary dialogue process with members of the Moldovan Parliament and People's Assembly of Gagauzia
Second half of 2018: the project continued its work on analyzing the mechanisms governing the relationship between Chisinau and Comrat
"Gagauzia Dialogue" project was launched in 2015 in the context of increased openness between Chisinau and Comrat.